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              Summer car maintenance tips

              : admin: 2019-05-15 9:49:06: 43

              Summer car maintenance knowledge
              1, tire pressure
              The tire must be inspected and replaced with a new one if the pattern is worn out. The air pressure in the tires in summer will increase with the increase of temperature, and often cause a puncture accident. At the same time, the speeding, overloading or emergency braking of the vehicle is easy to cause the puncture. Therefore, it is possible to appropriately reduce the tire air pressure, or to change the tire to a helium gas whose physical properties are more stable and difficult to expand.

              2, the use of air conditioning
              First open the air conditioning outside the cycle. In summer, the temperature inside the car is often very high. Therefore, do not turn on the air conditioner immediately when the car starts. You should open all the windows for 3-5 minutes, then turn on the air conditioner after the hot air is exhausted, which will have a better effect. If the engine is under heavy load for a long time, the air conditioner should be turned off temporarily. When cooling, the wind direction of the air conditioner is best to blow upwards, because the cold air will sink downwards, and it is best to select the blowing surface block for the wind direction gear. Finally, notice that the air conditioner is turned off before the destination to reduce the occurrence of odor.

              3, body care
               There are more rains in summer and autumn, rainy acid in rain, strong sunlight, and gum falling on the surface of the car will cause corrosion and oxidation of the paint surface. After a long period of rain and sun exposure, the face of your car must be tormented and unbearable. Therefore, it is necessary to make a series of beauty care from the cleaning, polishing, waxing, sealing glaze to the body. Even if your body has been painted, it is time to take care of the body and wash it off.
              4, compressor and condenser
              After deactivating the refrigeration system, the compressor should be operated for more than 10 minutes every two weeks; the belt tension of the compressor should be checked regularly; if the refrigerant oil leak is found, it should be disposed of in time; the condenser should be cleaned frequently to prevent oil, dirt and debris. Attached to the heat sink of the condenser.

              5, wiper blade
                     Due to the large amount of rain in summer, the frequency of use of automobile wiper blades is very high, so it is especially important to strengthen the inspection of wiper blades. In addition to regular inspections, it is also necessary to pay attention to the cleaning of the wiper to prevent the wiper from accumulating dust and impurities, which may affect the wiping effect, or adversely affect the front windshield of the car. Once the working effect of the wiper blade is not ideal, it is necessary to repair and replace it in time, and do not lose it because of smallness.

              6, sterilization in the car
              It is important to do a good job of car disinfection during spring and summer. Ventilation should be done frequently to clean the exterior and interior of the car regularly. When cleaning, you can use your own disinfectant to scrub. If you have time, you can also use a UV lamp or high temperature sterilization at a special maintenance shop. However, it must be noted that the disinfection of the air in the cabin is carried out in the absence of the vehicle. After the disinfection is completed, it is necessary to open the window for 5 to 6 minutes, wipe the facilities in the compartment with water, and then dry with a clean cotton cloth to remove the residual disinfectant.

              Summer car maintenance precautions
              1, the battery is deficient
              In summer, the temperature is high, the water in the battery electrolyte evaporates quickly, the liquid level drops rapidly, and even the electrode plate is exposed to the liquid surface, causing the battery to lose water and early damage. Therefore, in summer, the liquid level in the battery should be checked frequently, and distilled water should be added in time to ensure the normal liquid level and ensure that the battery is in good working condition.

              2, the engine body is overheated
              In summer, the ambient temperature is high and the engine is prone to overheating. Therefore, in the summer, the inspection and maintenance of the engine cooling system should be strengthened, including the water tank, thermostat, water pump, fan, etc., and the cooling water should be added in time. When the water temperature exceeds 100 °C, stop in the shade to cool down, let the engine idle, and open the hood to facilitate heat dissipation. Can not put antifreeze, antifreeze is generally changed in two years!

              3, anti-lubrication
              When the temperature is high, the viscosity of the oil is lowered, and the oxidation resistance is deteriorated, resulting in poor lubrication. Therefore, in the summer, the oil quantity should be checked frequently and added or replaced in time; the oil filter and radiator should be cleaned in time to ensure smooth oil flow and good heat dissipation, and try to avoid overloading the engine.
              4, anti-engine deflagration
              In summer, the temperature is high, and the daily maximum temperature is often above 35 °C. The failure rate of the car itself is greatly improved, and natural deflagration is prone to occur.
              5, anti-brake failure
                    Brake fluid evaporates and vaporizes in a high temperature environment, forming a gas barrier in the brake pipe, and the brake shoe is also easily ablated, causing brake failure. Therefore, in the summer, the brake system should be checked and adjusted in time. On the way of the long slope, the parking brake should be paid to ensure good braking performance. If the brake hub is found to be hot, stop the cooling, but do not pour cold water to prevent the brake hub from rupturing. .

              6, the anti-car paint is damaged
              Although it does not seem to have life, it is also afraid of the sun, long-term exposure will be old, wrinkled. Ordinary beauty waxing, although some functions, but because any car wax contains bismuth ingredients, after long-term exposure to ultraviolet light will rust paint, leaving a little black spots. Moreover, the car wax itself does not function to enhance hardness and resist ultraviolet rays, and will quickly lose due to excessive temperature. Therefore, the car should be parked in a cool place when parking.
              Summer maintenance car precautions
              1. Volatile fast antifreeze is essential
              In summer, the coolant evaporates quickly. Always check whether the coolant is missing. If it is missing, replenish the same brand of antifreeze in time. Do not add other brands of antifreeze or water. Because antifreeze is the main working medium in the automotive engine cooling system, its main function is to make the engine cooling system through the forced circulation to keep the engine at the proper working temperature.

              2, protect the car paint parking in the shade
              Although it does not seem to have life, it is also afraid of the sun, long-term exposure will be old, wrinkled. Ordinary beauty waxing, although some functions, but because any car wax contains bismuth ingredients, after long-term exposure to ultraviolet light will rust paint, leaving a little black spots. Moreover, the car wax itself does not function to enhance hardness and resist ultraviolet rays, and will quickly lose due to excessive temperature. Therefore, the car should be parked in a cool place when parking.

              3, the interior is completely disinfected
              Due to the hot summer, many car owners do not often drive windows, and often only choose the inner circulation for the wind power of air conditioners. For a long time, the air inside the cabin has become turbid, especially in the hot and humid weather before the thunderstorm, bacteria are also easy to breed. At this time, the owner can choose to buy some interior cleaners or go to the car beauty shop to thoroughly clean the car interior.
              4, air conditioning is best to clean
              Many car owners often do not make big moves when the vehicle is used without problems. Among them, for example, air conditioners, owners who do not clean all year round are not uncommon. However, in summer, the air conditioner in the car will be used for a long time, and it is necessary to do a thorough cleaning. In addition to the removal of odors, a large amount of dust, dirt and bacteria that are inhaled by the air inlet of the air conditioner are likely to affect human health.

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